Every young person deserves a childhood filled with love, joy and adventure, but sadly, for many the reality is the stark opposite. Poverty, trauma and other adversities overshadow experiences and change the way children think about the world and their place in it. Our therapeutic residentials, mentoring and youth leadership programmes use joy, adventure and the outdoors to provide intensive opportunities to restore what is missing, helping young people redefine themselves to better see their worth, talents and potential. And in turn to rebuild the foundations of positive mental health.
“People at Free to Be Kids, they never judge you, they just boost you. They give you that helping hand that pushes you to do things that you’re not confident about.”
Stevie, age 12
“Throughout the projects, the children are constantly surrounded by a positive atmosphere and ethos from both adults and children, which allows them to develop such a strong sense of identity and self-worth in a way many have never had before.”
Marlon, Volunteer
“Free to Be Kids means having fun with other kids and spending happy time doing lots of activities. The helpers have shown me that I can help other people. If they are struggling with any of the challenges, I can use kindness to help them get through.”
Rahima, age 10
Since Blessing’s mum was diagnosed with cancer, the world has felt like a very scary place. Teachers were worried about his angry outbursts and he told a friend that it would be better if he didn’t exist.
Coming on one of our residentials gave him a chance to feel successful, adventurous and brave – the first time he’d felt this way in a long time. From the moment he arrived and saw our bouncy castle, Blessing was smiling – he tried every activity and blossomed over the course of the week, particularly enjoying a night spent camping. Just as importantly, he also built strong relationships with our volunteers, talking at length about his mum’s diagnosis. Able to take a break from his responsibilities, he enjoyed the time to play freely. Since the project, we matched Blessing with one of his Group Leaders as a Mentor for long term support. They meet up weekly to go climbing and Blessing now has someone to share the load of the difficulties at home with.
our work
Every child begins their journey with us on a 5−day residential Thrive Outside project. Here, supported by our caring, fun volunteers, they meet animals at the farm, build dens in the woods, cook together and camp under the stars.
The projects open up a sense of adventure, freedom and possibility. In turn, translating to improvements in confidence, ability to get on with others and much richer emotional and mental health.
Many children return year on year for as long as they need us, and those with the highest needs access tailored long term support throughout their childhood: